Sex: Male
ARI#: 31499897
DOB: 7/30/2010
Color: White
Sire: Crescent Moon's Ezekial
Dam: Peruvian Hum
He has the phenotype that we look for in our alpacas, and the judges seem to agree. He carries a high amplitude and high frequency crimp that runs from skin to tip. It is consistent from shoulder to hip, up the neck, and down into the belly and legs. As you separate his fleece, the staples separate into smaller staples supporting the incredible density of his very fine fleece. That uniformity is demonstrated in his very soft handle.
Dr. Norm Evans said that " Ezekial's Challenger of Marquam Hill has the highest Skin Biopsy Results I have found in 2012 and his results are in the top 1% of all the alpacas I have tested"
We have sold out of breeding's for Challenger in 2012, 2103,2015...etc... (Sold out in five days) however we are taking reservations for no more than 4 outside breeding in 2023. Challenger is still rocking the fleece!